Online Casino Blackjack vs. Land based Casino Blackjack

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Online Casino Blackjack vs. Land based Casino Blackjack

Online casino blackjack is quite comparable to land based casino blackjack in terms of how the game is played.  While the two blackjack games are quite similar, there are a few distinct differences when you pit online casino blackjack vs. land based casino blackjack.

When you play land based casino blackjack, there is a real dealer, real cards, and you physically hand someone (a dealer, or the cashier) cash money in exchange for chips.  When you play online casino blackjack, you make a deposit to your player account with a credit card, e-wallet, or wire transfer.  Consequently, the money changes hands on paper.  Likewise, when you play land based casino blackjack, the dealer actually pushes chips to you when you win a bet and physically takes chips from you when you lose.  In online casino blackjack, the chips appear or disappear when you win or lose a bet.  The player’s table balance increases or decreases accordingly.

In land based casino blackjack, the other players get a bit antsy when you take too long making a decision at the table.  When you are playing online blackjack, you can take your time.  Whether you want to look up how to play a certain hand or even phone a friend, you’re free to do so.  You can even run to the store in the middle of an online casino blackjack hand.  You do not have such luxuries when playing land based blackjack.

When you play land based blackjack that is pretty much all you are able to do.  When you play online casino blackjack, you are able to multi-task.  If you want to play another game, such as roulette or keno while you are playing online blackjack, you can do that.  If you want to chat on your mobile phone, you can do that while in the middle of an online casino blackjack hand.  When playing online casino blackjack, you can do other things while playing and winning!